Spiritual Journey
Divine Soul Rami is extremely humble, kind, and a peaceful individual. As young as 11 years old she was very enthusiastic about God and religion. Six years ago, she studied 6 major religions, gaining a global knowledge of religion. During this process she found a common basis among religions. There is only one supreme eternal God which is omnipotent that reins over the entire universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies.
Her fascination with God brought her to this spiritual path. Many years ago, her spiritual journey began with a dream that changed her life forever. After this dream, she experienced a major psychological breakdown; she felt suffocated and restless; no longer believing this chaotic world is a place for her. All she wanted was to be alone in the forest or mountain, somewhere very quiet and peaceful. Her aspiration was to look for something like a divine connection with the universe; she didn’t know what was wrong with her, but cried nonstop for a week and stayed at home. Some of her friends and family thought she had received a calling from God, perhaps, her life needed to change in a new direction, and others thought she needed to see a psychologist.
Since that dream, she was guided to become saintly and do penance; her illusions about this money-oriented world were gone; therefore, making money and maintain status was no longer important to her. She became a completely different person, disconnected from this busy world, stayed totally isolated, became a total vegetarian, no TV or cell phone, went through extreme practice of yoga, meditation, prayer, and chanting everyday for many years. She reached enlightenment five years ago at age 39. This awakening of super consciousness gave her a better understanding of the universe, along with wisdom, truth, knowledge, illumination, and refinement which caused a detachment from this materialistic world.
Now, Rami completely dedicates her life to God and humanity; her only desire is to help people around the world. She has donated all of her money, assets, and property to her non-profit organization, and didn’t keep anything for herself knowing that God will take care of her. The organization that she has already started will contain an orphanage, an old-age-home for widows, a sacred ashram, a school and college, a Vishnu temple, a pond, and a parking lot in Kolkata, India. For this project, she went to India in January 2020, met the Chief Minister (CM), of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, and requested five acres of land for this non-profit organization. The write-up and the project drawings have already been submitted to the Chief Minister’s office in Kolkata and the CM promised to provide a plot of land for this non-profit project.