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Old-Age Home for Widows

Indian widows are the ones that suffer the most because of the Hindu belief system. Their culture and religious beliefs make their lives so difficult and painful that it is beyond our Western imagination. These women are poor and uneducated Hindu widows and they are often the victims of both their communities and their own families. They don’t have freedom of choice in food or clothing, and they are forbidden from wearing makeup and jewelry. These women are isolated from everything, including going to social functions in the village. Hindu society believes widows are bad luck; this kind of superstitious belief makes these women’s lives more lonely and miserable. Eventually, they become a burden and a headache for their families, so they get rejected and kicked out of their own homes.

Without any financial support these women become homeless and start begging on the streets in front of the temples to survive in Kolkata. There is a widow’s pension which is only $5 a month that is provided by the government, but these women don’t know where and how to apply; even in Indi, $5 a month is nothing, it is not enough to buy food for two weeks. Finally, most of the widows end up at non-profit shelter in the city of Vindaban, State of Uttar Pradesh, because Vindaban is the birth place of the Hindu God, Lord Krishna. In his last reincarnation, he invited the widows to come to this holy city so they may receive salvation in the after-life and liberation through spirituality.

In our organization, the Old-Age-Home for Widows will be a five story residential building for 200 widows with four rooms per floor; each room will accommodate 20 women, and each woman will have their own bed, closet, desk, and chair, and access to an attached bathroom with four showers, four toilets, and four sinks. Each room will be properly ventilated with many windows, also there will be 6 ceiling fans, and a 55″ big screen TV. Our organization will provide everything that is necessary for daily life: food, clothing, linen, shoes, hygiene products, medical treatment, and laundry facility. They will have the opportunity to sing bhajan, and kirtan in the Vishnu temple. If they would like to volunteer, they can provide service in the Ashram, or Orphanage.