Divine Soul Rami Mission
Divine Soul Rami has been passionate about loving and caring for people in general, especially the needy. In her organization, she wants to help the widows that are 60 years or older, have no children, no support, and begging on the streets in Kolkata; she wants to open an old-age-home, give them love and support, and take care of them until they die. Further, she wants to provide spiritual education at the Sacred Ashram and give spiritual guidance to the world through her YouTube channel. Additionally, there are thousands of kids all over India that are homeless on the streets. Her heart grieves for the children who are orphans, abandoned, or less fortunate; therefore, she has a strong desire to open an orphanage in Kolkata, and adopt 200 to 400 children and raise them as her own. She would provide them a wonderful life with proper education and spiritual guidance. She believes, one day, that all of her spiritual children will go forth and make the world a better place for all of us.