Estimated cost of the Project
This non-profit organization project will cost approximately $17 million (US) which is equivalent to Rs.120 Crores, $14 million (US), which is Rs.100 Crores for building the structures and $3 million (US), Rs.21 Crores for security system, solar panels, furniture, clothing, linen, books & stationary, high-tech class room equipment, desks, music instrument, science laboratory equipment, library, fans and air-conditioning, TVs and computers, salon equipment, gym equipment, laundry equipment, high-tech kitchen equipment, medical equipment for the clinic, elevators, and accessories. There will be five buildings at the facility; 1) an orphanage, 2) an old-age-home, 3) an ashram, 4) a Vishnu temple, 5) a parking lot, as well as a pond and boundary walls surrounding the complex (5 acres of land).